reading: nothing, currently. but, it's nice to have all of our books (out of storage) again
playing: Christmas music, all day, 'er day (& The Wallflowers station on Pandora when Christmas music fails me)
watching: Poldark & Parenthood
trying: to be creative in Christmas gifting
cooking: lots of eggs on the skillet ... and soup in the microwave #nostoveatthewhitehouse
eating: see above.
drinking: coffee & coke zero

calling: no one
texting: kayla jean
pinning: Thanksgiving dessert recipes // gift ideas
planning: to tag along with Mikey on a work trip in December
crafting: Rust & Stardust necklaces & earrings
doing: as much as we can each night at our white house while trying to stay sane
going: to squeal when our Christmas cards come in (!!)
loving: having my photography gig up and running
hating: the cold weather
discovering: how to survive feeding our family with just a skillet, crock pot & microwave #welovechickfila
enjoying: editing pictures
hoping: for a super mild winter (i don't even care if it's rainy, i just don't want it to be cold)
celebrating: (last weekend) Amos turning FOUR!
smelling: coffee
thanking: Mikey for all of the late nights he's been putting in at our white house & both of our dad's for helping last weekend
considering: that there are only 39 days until Christmas (and 40 until my 30th birthday)
finishing: i can't think of a single thing that i'm finishing right now --- so many balls in the air right now
starting: a new journal
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