April 18, 2018

month five | oscar fox

month five 

FIVE months! It seems like you were just born yesterday, but somehow you've always been a part of us. Time has a weird way of melting together like that. 

The brothers haven't missed a beat with you. Ez kisses you every time he sees you & exclaims, "I love him!" just about as often as he kisses you. Solly makes you laugh & likes to be near to you. Amos wants to hold you while standing up. You just enjoy their company and any attention they toss your way. 

You've started eating food - I wanted to make it six months of exclusively breast feeding you, but you were ready for food. You've only had apples, bananas and pears .. your favorite is bananas! I'm only not sad about not making it to six months of exclusive breast feeding because you've now dropped your midnight feeding and only wake up around 3-4AM (sometimes later)! 

You're reaching for and grabbing everything and love anything that makes noise. You're quite fond of your sleepy fox and muslin blankets and snuggle right in when it's nap/bed time. You don't take a paci or suck your thumb (seriously kid, can I have ten more of you?). We joke that you're such a predictable boy. You're still looking a lot like mama and Carson these days (and I still see a lot of Solomon) -- but, you have much darker hair and eyebrows than any of the brothers. 

Oscar Fox, we love you. You're growing so quickly and I love it. I am so thankful to be your mama. I can't wait to see who you're going to be. My prayer over you is that you would be strong for the Lord - a warrior for His kingdom. Keep growing big and strong! 

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