June 20, 2018

month seven | oscar fox

month seven 


Sweetest dude. You're seven whole months old now and it seems like you've been with us for always. Seamless.  These past seven months have passed in a blink, as they seem to do with each and every one of you. But I'm learning to savor all of it (the middle of the night feedings, the fussy teething days, the milestones...) while living in it. Stamping it on my heart and trusting my soul to remember (as a dear friend walking in motherhood with me has said in comfort to my fear of forgetting).

You bounce in the jumper, sit on my hip, ride in the carrier on daddy, or scoot around happily as can be. You're a champ when it comes to sleep -- you like to lie in the crib with sleepy fox and chatter to yourself until you fall asleep (bless you child). You love food - all of it - and have weened to nursing about 3x/day + 1-2/night. So far you've sprouted one bottom tooth. And, your most exciting trick is pulling to stand and cruising! Yay! (Much earlier than any of the brothers...) I've been trying to get you to say "mama" for weeks now, but like Ez at this age, you just look at me and grin. I'll take it.

Oscar,  I love you. We've got super fun summer ahead! This coming weekend you'll fly your first flight(s) and get your first stamp in your passport. Cheers to adventures - the world is yours little boy. Keep growing big and strong. 

1 comment:

  1. i love reading these detailed monthly updates — so fun to see what we have to look forward to right behind you!
