November 19, 2014

lake weekend

we had such a sweet, sweet time with the tingles last weekend at the lake. with FIVE boys under five the weekend was anything but quiet or relaxing...but what sweet memories we'll have of our boys growing up together doing little boy things. i am so thankful to get to do life with these friends - for late night chats while the fire crackled - for afternoon couch snoozes and extra hands for baby holding (somebody always has a new baby between the two of us) - for advice and encouragement - for shared meals and recited bible verses - for daddy's who play with their boys outside - and so, so much more 

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pancakes for breakfast 
the perfect little boy spot while daddy & uncle matt chopped wood
"hey guys!!" 
choke hold for lucas while amos skee-daddled
solomon soaking up some quiet time by the fire 

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