December 24, 2014

month three | solomon

Happy three months to you, my sweet Solomon! You're such a happy boy - you smile all the stinking' time and you're laughing some too. I frequently find myself jumpin' around actin like a crazy woman trying to get a laugh from you. On the flip side, you have the cutest cry-face I've ever seen...your sweet bottom lip pokes out and it secretly makes my heart smile a little. You're still sleeping like a rockstar. Thank you, sweet child. And, you're growing like a daggum weed, which is always bittersweet. We've packed up your newborn & 0-3 month sized clothes  and have moved on to bigger and better things. (: I can't wait to see what you weigh and how long you are at your next check up. You added North Carolina to your "state list" in November when we spent the weekend after Thanksgiving in Highlands with Mimi, Papa, DP, Mere & Melbug. People ask how you're similar to / different from Amos at this age ... I tell them that you're just sweet Solomon. Amos is still loving being your big brother - he kisses you and tells you, "It's OK, Solly Sol" whenever you cry. You're going to be the very best of friends! 


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