December 15, 2011

this crazy life

Friends, I am ecstatic to be able to tell you that Scott, "the floor dude," is returning TOMORROW to finish our floors!! But, there is much to be done [do you see a recurring theme?]. For the most part, we're ready for him to come -- all but one room is ready. It's the living room, which just happens to be the largest room in the house [granted, none of them are very large]. We've mudded and sanded, mudded and sanded, mudded and sanded until I don't ever want to mud or sand anything ever again. Too bad the laundry room is still lacking a wall and there are a couple of spots that need to be sanded before they can be painted. Anyway, after a couple of ate nights, we're ready to prime the walls! Hopefully they'll dry super fast so we can at least get the base coat of paint on them as well!

Days worth of mudding and sanding

Front door is framed!

clean up time

OH YEA!!! Huge news: our house is COMPLETELY 100% sided! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to the men who gave their entire weekend to help us get this monster done (: It's so neat to drive up and see a somewhat finished house! Next up for the outside: gutters, shutters, window boxes and re-constructing the gable on the front porch. I cannot wait to show you pictures when these 4 things are done!

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