April 5, 2013

this wild & precious life

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild & precious life. -Mary Oliver

I plan to enjoy every single minute of being home with my boy, lazing in our pjs 'til the late hours of the morning. I plan to selfishly savor watching him grow and change and learn as little boys will do. I plan to show him love by loving, cherishing, helping and respecting his daddy-o.

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I plan to learn, grow and be challenged as a wife, mama, friend, sister & daughter.

I plan to work hard & play harder. I plan on us sucking the marrow out of the this wild and very precious life we've been given. I plan to accept that we a work in progress and that there are always "miles to go" figuratively and literally. 

I plan to continue on the awesome adventure that is our marriage with my Mikey. I plan to explore parts of the world together while building a home to come back to (for now anyway). I plan to keep our family safe, but not sheltered. I plan to enjoy the little things and celebrate the big things.  I plan to rely on Him for direction for our family. 

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I don't expect life to always be beautiful. As a matter of fact, I've seen how ugly and broken this world that we live in can be. But, just last night I was reminded of the Hope that I have because of His blood that was shed for me. 

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