March 30, 2010

3.20 through 3.27

March 20

To commence all things spring, Mike & I went for a llloonnnggg motorcycle ride - we rode from Simpsonville to Gaffney / Spartanburg, the "low" way - then hit the Scenic Highway 11 home (: We did stop at the outlets at Gaffney - but the trip was a bust..we didn't even get ice cream! Bummer!

March 21
This is the newest addition to our window collection. It's a metal frame (from Ben's basement) .. painted red & rusting. We're going to paint the panes with chalkboard paint and write on it 

March 22
I've taken to reading on the porch in the afternoons when I get off work while I wait for Mike to get home. There were a few bumblebees out today - but they weren't cooperating -- they weren't very still! 

March 23
Sidenote: Happy Birthday Best!!! (:
Okay, I know this probably looks disgusting - I've GOT to figure out how to take better pictures of the food we cook! This was chicken with pumpkin sage grits. The chicken wasn't all that great (it was on a very very good sale -- and I now know why!) but the grits were AWESOME! (and super easy!)

March 24
a metal cross

March 25
Daffodils -- some of my favorites! I picked them while we worked out at Ben's house from the backside of a fence while Mike was inside chatting - because I knew he wouldn't like it! haha...but, what can ya do after they're picked?! 

March 26
Jalapeno Peppers! (: These are growing on our back porch as we speak! We'll see if I've inherited my grandmothers green thumb or not!

March 27
This is David Atticus Tingle. I am in love with him. We went down to Athens for a shower for Sallie & Caleb - some of our dear friends who are getting married in May & got to stay with Matt, Amanda and David Tingle. He is the best baby! 

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