January 25, 2013

today's letters

(In honor of my new favorite blog):

Dear Mr. Martin, thanks for looking out for me & the lil guy. While you're slaving your arse off working a real job, we're lounging in our pjs with no make up on (well, me, not the lil guy of course). You're a stud. Dear January, will you make up your mind? 30 degrees and snow / sleet tomorrow and 68 degrees next week. Just dump this winter business and bring us a spring! Dear trash truck, today is trash pick up day...where are you? Dear 'Mos, thanks for the continual smiles, for sleeping 7.5 hours last night, and for being a stud like ya daddy. Dear Mikey, I can wait for our road trip this weekend! Maybe we'll find snow, antique shops, DDP & dessert (it's not technically a cheat if we're not in the state), a new car, good conversation & a day just the 2 of us?!

Love you bigger than the sky!

January 21, 2013

insta january

UntitledInsta January














snuggles with Amos for everyone
naps with daddy on his lunch break
birthday celebrations 
lots of old recipes made new
one happy, growing little guy
a trip to the ukraine for the little brother

[thanks meghan for the idea for insta january!] 

January 20, 2013

our next great adventure


Quit holding your breath. We aren't quitting our jobs again to pack our belongings into a backpack for months on end. (: Our next Great Adventure is the Palmetto 200 in April! We've assembled an Ultra Team of 6 runners to complete the task of running from Cayce, SC to Charleston, SC. That means that each person on our team will be running about 33 miles each over the course of about 2 days. Our team members include me & Mike, Brock, Mel, Ben Renfrow and Zack Joiner. Stay tuned as we're training and getting ready!

6 miles
6 miles 

January 17, 2013


playin' with David
family naps
keepin' up with Ethan
Mexican Dominos 
Lovin' on Papa & Poppy
the first annual polar bear swim
the whole gang
Cheers to 2013 (: 

david & amosIMG_0362







January 16, 2013

happy birthday, mel!


On Saturday, December 29 we celebrated Mel's birthday with a birthday breakfast a local staple, The Coach House in Simpsonville before celebrating Christmas with some (more) of Mike's family. We saved our cake from breakfast (yes, breakfast) and shared it for dessert at lunch along with key lime pie and chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for sharing your day with us sweet Mel!





January 13, 2013

coffee date

coffee date




t h a n k f u l 
for these friends (who happen to be family

January 11, 2013

my *Golden* birthday

A lot has gone on since I blogged last. Forgive me! Life has been busy in the best sort of way. We had lots of Christmas celebrations between our two families, 2 birthdays (my GOLDEN birthday included), a trip to the lake to celebrate the New Year with the whole Martin / Tingle / Johnsen clan, and of course the everyday hum-drum of life thrown into the mix.

lemon pound cake

This year marked my Golden Birthday! For those of you who don’t know what a “Golden Birthday” is – it’s the year you turn the same age as the day of your birthday. I turned 26 on the 26th! Mikey surprised me with a brand new camera right after midnight – it was such a neat surprise (I’ve needed / wanted a new camera forever!) … I’m loving using it, but have much to learn! We celebrated my Golden Birthday as we have with so many birthdays in the past – with skeet shooting, friends, family and good food.

birthday morning

birthday breakfast



me & my groom

January 10, 2013

month two

amos 2 months

Sweet baby Amos you're two months old! Where has the time gone?!

Amos, you're still a great baby. Just recently you've started sleeping between 4.5-5.5 hours consistently at night (I purposefully keep you up 'til midnight or 1am so that stretch lasts until a reasonable hour in the morning.) And just last night you slept seven hours straight! In order to get that long stretch we cluster feed from 7:30(ish) - 12am. After the 1st time you slept 5.5 hours I told your daddy that I felt like I could take on the world! You typically have some really good awake time during the mornings & have a good long nap in the afternoon. However, over the past few days you've only had 40 minute cat naps throughout the day. I hope that means you'll be sleeping through the night more often! You're a little champ when it comes to sleeping in the middle of chaos too. We knew this would be important with as much as we usually have going on! 

For the most part you eat every 3 hours..but we still have some days where I feel like all you do is eat. You're growing like a weed for sure! Pretty soon you'll have outgrown your newborn clothes (which makes mama sad!) & we'll have a whole new wardrobe of 3 month old sized clothes. I am excited for a few outfits that are particularly boyish and not so babyish. Frequently when you nurse you stroke my side with your sweet little hand and it makes my heart so happy. 

You're a strong boy. You hold your little head up extremely well & like to look from side to side to see what's going on (your daddy calls you his periscope). You still love lights ... it's the cutest thing to take you somewhere with any sort of overhead light. We frequently joke that if you had wings you'd fly right into the lights! You also like to move a LOT (bouncing, swaying, swinging, etc.). I'm currently sitting in Starbucks with you laying on my lap swaying you back & forth to keep you content! You smile in response to us now - not too much, but enough for us to try over & over to get you to smile! You spent your first New Year @ the lake with the whole Martin / Tingle / Johnsen clan! And, you've seen 2 movies in the theaters (because I'm a crazy woman): Breaking Dawn & The Hobbit. One of my favorite things to do with you at home is to dance to whatever music is on or whatever is playing in my head at the time in the kitchen. I hope as you get older you'll always dance with me! 

We're also waiting on Baby Lucas Knox - your only baby boy friend yet! Hurry up, Luke...we're growing impatient! (: