January 9, 2018

month two | oscar fox

month two 


Two whole months of Oscar Fox! Seriously, you are the happiest, easiest baby. You're content to just be around your people - always watching what's going on. You also don't seem to mind being kissed or patted multiple times an hour (mostly by Ez who absolutely adores you). I think you probably like the attention from your brothers and hope that's always the case. 

You've got dark hair and dark blue eyes. Your dark hair is like Solomon's (was) and your eyes are standard Martin boy. There's something different about your looks though - everyone says you look like mama ... and Carson (who looked just like mama when he was a baby). 

You're an amazing sleeper (knocking on wood as I type this) - sleeping about 6 hours before waking to nurse then sleeping again for another 5-6 hours. Ummm, I'm not sure you're our kid (kidding, kidding). You're currently still sleeping in our room, but Ez is anxiously waiting for you to move to your crib (that's yet to be set up) in his room. 

You've already rolled over a handful of times - from tummy to back - I think because you do not prefer to be on your tummy (although you will sleep on your tummy just fine). You grunt and are super loud at night with all of your sweet noises...daddy & I laugh all the time at how loud you are. You're smiling and talking up a storm (I think all the time that I'm doomed if this is a sign of another kid who's going to talk non-stop...somebody send help! hah!) 

Sweet, sweet Ah-ba-ger, you are so loved by so many. Your village is huge, little buddy. So many people love you and are praying for you. Keep growing big and strong like those crazy big brothers of yours! 

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